Hello Trisul Users,
Wishing you all a fantastic year ahead in 2025!
We are excited to announce the latest Trisul Network Analytics Release 7.0.
Existing Trisul users are advised to update to the latest version packed with security and UI enhancements, critical bug fixes, and powerful features to enhance your network monitoring experience.
New users please sign up and go to the download page https://www.trisul.org/get-started/
- Added LATlong support for satellite compliance
- Enhanced Security – validated through VAPT test suites to ensure comprehensive protection..
- Introduced a new module: Crosskey Tree
- Enhanced storage management with the ability to Search slices by name or date
Trisul-Probe 7.0.3184
0105813: NETFLOW: SDWAN VIPTELA Cisco Sampling Rate handling.
0105824: IPDR: Prevented Ingress report logging.
0105849: NETFLOW: Increased default topper of interfaces from 100 to 1000.
0105850: LUA: T.backend_engine id now working for SGFM/CGFM.
0105894: IPDR: Half NAT now logs destination details.
0105896: NETFLOW: Updated sampling key attribute with debounce.
0105905: Resolved crashes by junk characters for NETFLOW v5 when using App ID and User ID.
Trisul-Hub 7.0.3125
0105785: HUB:IPDR bulk query now packaged.
0105788: SATELLITE: Added a generic terminal ID file for latitude/longitude using IMEI.
0105798: TRP:Counter Item NG slow when zero datapoints;NG now honors volumes only.
0105799: HUB:Resolved Year 2025 date issue.
0105810: IPDR:qstream flow same IP with different expiry time in subnets.
0105834: HUB: Added Bucketizer for Topper.
0105840: IPDR: User id now showing in both qstream flow and CSV report.
0105841: IPDR:Corrected the date format in the IPDR user query help section.
0105842: AAA: Added NAT ID to AAA DB as part of the private IP.
0105857: Backup config script -Added backup webtrisul config and images.
0105892: Added create_restore_dir.sh script in package.
0105900: Introduced run_hub_watchdog script to ensure and alert when Trisul Hub stops flushing data.
WEBTRISUL 7.0.2551
0105786: WEB: Fixed help text in Web Trisul App Settings.
0105787: PKG: Fixed start scripts failure in RHEL9 caused by deprecated init scripts.
0105790: Added file to specify API details (host, port, key) for IPDR satellite compliance.
0105791: Added Latitude and Longitude in the IPDR report.
0105794: Enabled Terminal ID in IPDR Customers CSV import.
0105796: New Crosskey Tree module introduced.
0105806: Pop over description now showing in side menu.
0105807: Set refresh time for custom key monitor.
0105809: Resolved toppers table alignment overflow issue.
0105811: IPDR:Remove duplicate IPs warning if timestamps are different.
0105812 :IPDR:Allowing now user to specify expiry date for subnet.
0105814: Showing description now on long term traffic expression on pop over.
0105815: Removed flows tab from the Interface Drilldown as an option.
0105821: Interface drill down conversation now showing from trackers when NBAR/AppID/UserID present.
0105823: Removed Apps/Host from interface drilldown page when the user has enabled only flow tracker for that interface.
0105843: Custom key monitor dashboard now supports transmit/receive dropdown.
0105837: Interface Drilldown page crashed on Interface tracker enabled now working properly.
0105843: Custom key monitor dashboard now supports transmit/receive dropdown.
0105845: Added bulk edit for toppers counts and bottom counts.
0105858: WEB: VAPT Enhancements: XSS prevention and Probe validation.
0105861: System health page now showing when new disk is added.
0105863: Live SNMP Monitoring now works with management IP assignment.
0105867: Added "conns" metric to connections modules of current host and current apps dashboards.
0105871: Total, Max, min values on Current Apps Dashboard now working.
0105872: Resolved issue in cloning dashboards by assigning a new key.
0105873: Resolved: Routers and Interface's PDF and Excel Reports now include missing some metrics.
0105876: Enhanced usability with Key field addition in Long-Term Traffic and Monthly chart dashboards
0105877: Download Option on Flow Tagger now available.
0105887: Fixed an issue in Interface Tracker where users could attempt to disable a non-existent Protocol Tracker for an interface.
0105891: Added ENABLE_HIGH_SECURITY in default OEM settings file for enhanced security of web app.
0105893: Updated Manage Storage search for date and slice names.
0105897: Export to Dashboard json now works with grouped modules.
0105898: Live/Realtime traffic chart now works for all counter groups.
0105899: Added option to remove Download XLSX.
0105901: PDF download option now working in current host dashboard.
Trisul Network Analytics is the leading solution for maximum visibility into your network traffic patterns. Whether NETFLOW or RAW PCAP, Trisul helps organizations gain peace of mind by solving their detection, visibility, and compliance challenges.
Head on over to https://trisul.org/ sign up and download the latest update
Hope you enjoy this release.
Trisul Team