Getting the following errors from the probe log when I tried to start Trisul from the UI.
^[[34mFri Feb 28 12:03:58 2025.293049 INFO [FilterNetPcap-0] libpcap dyn library version libpcap version 1.9.0-PRE-GIT (with TPACKET_V3)^[[m
^[[32mFri Feb 28 12:03:58 2025.293067 DEBUG Opening and registering adapter 0 eno1^[[m
^[[31mFri Feb 28 12:03:58 2025.294849 ERROR Unable to open the adapter. eno1 : Err = eno1: You don't have permission to capture on that device (socket: Operation not permitted)^[[m
^[[1;31mFri Feb 28 12:03:58 2025.294892 FATAL Quitting ! Could not setup adapter for capture. Check permissions ^[[m
^[[1;31mFri Feb 28 12:03:58 2025.294977 FATAL Unable to create processing engine : An adapter could not be setup^[[m
^[[31mFri Feb 28 12:03:58 2025.294999 ALERT Error : Pulse Server Failed to initialize, Quitting!^[[m